Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Garden Fun Board Game

We have created a “family fun” board game with Gardening as it’s theme. It has sold well at our local Farmers Markets and feedback has been great! The kids really enjoy playing and it is educational as well. We have been reviewed and included in the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, Teacher Resource Guide.

We now wish to offer it to you and your family as a great addition to “game night” at your own house. The days are getting shorter and the cooler weather is setting in. This game will give you great indoor entertainment and healthy competition to see who wins! Ages 5 and up (with help on the reading skills).

The objective is to travel around the board collecting Fruits, Veggies, Legumes and Herbs to place in your garden. The first one to fill their garden is the winner! Sounds easy enough, except, the weather could get you, the bugs could get you or just plain Luck can get you. There are four card piles appropriately named Season, Luck, Pests Varmints & Diseases, and Remedies to help or hinder you along the way.

Buy it now and by Spring you’ll be wanting to plant a garden of your own! Great for gifting also!

On sale now at $21.95 through PayPal.

1 comment:

  1. I have one of these games and it is great!!!! My grandson loved the challeges and he is 12 years old. Its Like garden manopoly or Life... very educational!!!
